*FREE SHIPPING on orders over $99, and 2 FREE Coat Hooks with every order for the month of May!*

New Items

Not your Ordinary State-Silhouette Wall Plaque!

I'm particularly proud of this new item, not only because it turned out just as eye-catching as I imagined it would be, but because it makes excellent use of all of the cutoffs and oddly-shaped pieces of tree that we've been......


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New "Minimal" Style Chess Set!

So we've been selling a lot of log chess sets lately.. Up to this point, the pieces have all been turned on the lathe by Stephen. Wanting to give customers more options.......


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The Simplest Coat Hook Ever

As much as we enjoy the challenge of creating more complex items, sometimes you have to take a step back and let nature do its thing. This chunky coat peg.....


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What's this little blog about?

As you may have noticed, our website recently underwent a major design change. In a addition to simplifying the navigation and putting more emphasis on our items, we hope to bring you a little closer to the creation process as......

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